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Sheet Music
Publisher. Info.
Augsburg: Anton Böhm & Sohn, n.d.[1932]. Plate 7829.
Misc. Notes
The score includes a keyboard part but it says "Nicht für die Aufführung zu benutzen!" (Not to be used in performance), i.e. a rehearsal part only.
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General Information
Work Title
5 eucharistische Hymnen
Alternative. Title
5 eucharistische Hymnen für die Prozession am Fronleichnamsfest
Kromolicki, Joseph
Opus/Catalogue NumberOp./Cat. No.
Internal Reference NumberInternal Ref. No.
IJK 13
5 hymns
- Sacris solemniis
- Verbum supernum
- Salutis humanae
- Aeterne Rex
- Pange lingua (Tantum ergo)
First Publication.
Composer Time PeriodComp. Period
Early 20th century
Piece Style
Early 20th century
mixed chorus (SATB), 2 trumpets, 2 cornets, 2 trombones, tuba (timpani ad libitum)
Navigation etc.
Op.24b contains a version for male chorus.