Breitkopf & Härtels Klavier-Bibliothek

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This is an individual page listed the publication(s) under the name of Breitkopf & Härtels Klavier-Bibliothek (The Pianist's Library, ou La Bibliothèque du Pianiste), one of the Bibliotheke serie(s) under Breitkopf & Härtel's.

Klavier-Bibliothek garland cover (1900)
Modernized cover (1918)




  • Breitkopf & Härtel



Ed. No. Plate Composer Work Title Editor Year of Publication Remarks
06111 Henselt Scherzo, Op.9 Pf4h
08368? Liszt Grandes études de Paganini, S.141
10546 Rudorff Variations, Op.1
10602 Wagner Lohengrin, WWV 75 (Der Zug zum Münster) August Reinhard
11779 Reinecke 3 Sonatinas, Op.98 (no.1) 1869
14757 Huber Sonata No.1 for Two Pianos, Op.31
16205 MacDowell First Modern Suite, Op.10
21888 Weingartner König Lear, Op.20
22533 Handel 6 Concerti Grossi, Op.3 Pf4h
22635 Kroeger Piano Sonata, Op.40
23132 Liszt Héroïde funèbre, S.102 August Stradal
23261 Niewiadomski 4 Charakterstücke, Op.28
24319 Liszt Festklänge, S.101 August Stradal Pf solo
Mayer Fleurs d'automne, Op.210
Lipski 3 Charakteristische Tänze, Op.12

See Also

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