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Works by this person are generally in the public domain in Canada. Works by this person are not in the public domain in countries with a life+70 copyright term (including all EU countries), unless an exception applies. In the United States, all works first published before 1930 are in the public domain; works first published afterwards may be protected by copyright. See public domain for more information.
Works by this person may not be in the public domain in all countries. Please check the copyright laws of your country.
Otakar Šourek
(1 October 1883 — 15 February 1956)
Name in Other Languages: Otakar Sourek
Aliases: Otakar Š., Š.
Authorities - WorldCat, VIAF: 30587434, LCCN: n83236035, ISNI: 0000000108843377, GND: 128394951, SUDOC: 168628635, BNF: 12765560b, BIBSYS: 6019315, NDL: 00526363, NKC: jk01130785, CiNii: DA08290130
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- Detailed biography: None given
See also
Pages in category "Šourek, Otakar/Editor"
The following 26 pages are in this category, out of 26 total.
| S cont.
- Slavonic Dances, Op.46 (Dvořák, Antonín)
- Slavonic Dances, Op.72 (Dvořák, Antonín)
- Souborné vydání díla (Dvořák, Antonín)
- String Quartet No.1, JB 1:105 (Smetana, Bedřich)
- String Quartet No.2 'Listy důvěrné' (Janáček, Leoš)
- String Quartet No.9, Op.34 (Dvořák, Antonín)
- String Quartet No.11, Op.61 (Dvořák, Antonín)
- String Quintet No.1, Op.1 (Dvořák, Antonín)
- Suite, Op.98 (Dvořák, Antonín)
- Symphony No.7, Op.70 (Dvořák, Antonín)
- Symphony No.9, Op.95 (Dvořák, Antonín)