(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Adriaenssen, Emanuel.)
Emanuel Adriaenssen
(ca.1554 — 1604)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Emmanuel Adriaensen, Emanuel Hadrianius, Emanuel Adriaenssen, Emanuel Hadrianus, Emmanuel Adriaenssen, Emanuel Adriansen
Name in Other Languages: امانويل ادرياينسين, Manuel Adriansen, Emanuel Adriaensen, Emmanuel Adriaenssen, Εμμάνουελ Άντριενσεν, 에마뉘엘 아드리안선, Эммануэль Адрианссен
Aliases: Адрианссен Эммануэль
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 42024419, LCCN: n83134773, ISNI: 0000000083762991, GND: 124841384, SUDOC: 152128166, BNF: 13890603h, MusicBrainz: 3c939ae4-01e9-4b8e-9492-2c6420b1f511, NKC: xx0002838, ICCU: NAPV099697
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Pages in category "Adriaenssen, Emanuel/Collections"
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