(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Albéniz, Pedro.)
Pedro Albéniz
(14 April 1795 — 12 April 1855)
Name in Other Languages: پيدرو البينيز, Pedro Albéniz y Basanta, Πέδρο Αλμπένιθ, ペドロ・アルベニス, Педро Альбенис
Aliases: Pedro Albeniz, Pedro Albeniz y Basanta, Альбенис Педро
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 47026787, LCCN: nr00008321, ISNI: 000000005949419X, GND: 122848985, BNF: 14808766w, MusicBrainz: 964d6681-92a2-4d24-be0a-24ac32a6a1ef, ICCU: MUSV000706, BNE: XX850387, IATH: w6kh1cr2
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Pages in category "Albéniz, Pedro/Books"
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