(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:André, Johann Anton.)
Johann Anton André
(6 October 1775 — 6 April 1842)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Anton André; Antoine
Name in Other Languages: Иоганн Антон Андре, ヨハン・アントン・アンドレ, يوهان أنطون أندريه, Johann Anton Andre, يوهان انطون اندريه
Aliases: Андрэ Иог. Антон, Andre
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 9899150033018611180004, LCCN: n85296652, ISNI: 0000000121261654, GND: 116331674, SELIBR: 355126, SUDOC: 097912980, BNF: 13965231d, BIBSYS: 90274846, MusicBrainz: ad576e35-b39b-40b6-811b-c3da8d825032, NLA: 49788492, NKC: mzk2002162320, ICCU: MUSV001660, BNE: XX4928726, IATH: w6sj1rpx
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