(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Antico, Andrea.)
Andrea Antico
(ca.1480 — after 1538)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Andrea Antico da Montona, Anticho, Antiquo, Antigo, Andreas Antiquus, Andream Antiquũ de Mõtona, Andreae Antiqui
Name in Other Languages: Andrea Antico da Montona, アンドレア・アンティーコ, اندراى انتيكو
Aliases: Andrea Antiquo, Andrea Antigo, Andrea Antiquus, Andrea Anticho
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 5453156374136507710001, LCCN: n81149611, ISNI: 0000000106554651, GND: 134566297, SUDOC: 154758981, BNF: 139847898, ULAN: 500057495, MusicBrainz: 053fe87e-943e-4c1d-9be9-73a61f57728f, NLA: 36517211, BNE: XX1745100
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Pages in category "Antico, Andrea/Collections"
The following 13 pages are in this category, out of 13 total.
| M cont.
- Motetti et carmina gallica (Antico, Andrea)
- Motetti novi e chanzoni franciose a quatro sopra doi (Antico, Andrea)
- Motetti novi, Libro 2 (Antico, Andrea)
- Motetti, Book 1 (Antico, Andrea)
- Motetti, Book 2 (Antico, Andrea)
- Motetti, Book 4 (Antico, Andrea)