(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Arnold, Georg.)
Georg Arnold
(23 April 1621 — 16 January 1676)
Name in Other Languages: Георг Арнольд, جورج أرنولد, جورج ارنولد
Aliases: Арнольд Георг, Georgius Arnoldus, Georgio Arnoldo
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 12281131, LCCN: no94006115, ISNI: 0000000120172203, GND: 120528169, SELIBR: 209869, BNF: 14808479d, MusicBrainz: 21d045e3-567f-4ae0-8cc2-a7725ae6283a, NKC: jx20110606001, BNE: XX1761955, IATH: w6z74zp0
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Not to be confused with a Georg Arnold (fl.1910) some violin and piano works, including a sonata Op.14, by whom were published (by Breitkopf) in the early 20th century.
Pages in category "Arnold, Georg/Collections"
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