(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Auriol, George.)
George Auriol
(26 April 1863 — 2 February 1938)
Name in Other Languages: جورج اوريول, Georges Auriol, George. Auriol, Джордж Ориоль, 乔治·奥里奥尔
Aliases: Jean Georges Huyot, Jean George Hulot Auriol
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 27122211, LCCN: n85016399, ISNI: 000000010778909X, GND: 143130471, SUDOC: 028808398, BNF: 122464156, ULAN: 500079709, MusicBrainz: 81d2ef38-3d0c-45cd-9719-fa13d10381da, NLA: 35010253, NKC: jn19990000319, Léonore: 19800035/551/62987, KulturNav: 3e88fa8e-b990-4b4f-855c-f6e5f9e516f7, RKD: 100591, IATH: w62b96hh
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Pages in category "Auriol, George/Librettist"
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