(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Baermann, Carl.)
Carl Baermann
(24 October 1810 — 23 May 1885)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Karl Bärmann, Carl Bärmann, Charles Baermann
Name in Other Languages: كارل بايرمان, Карл Берман-старший
Aliases: Берман, Карл (старший), Карл Берман (старший), Карл Берман, Берман, Карл, Karl Bärmann, Carl Ludwig Wilhelm Baermann, Charles Baermann
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 51874336, LCCN: n87820885, ISNI: 0000000110624931, GND: 116036842, SUDOC: 176952349, BNF: 13891053n, BIBSYS: 4067100, MusicBrainz: c8fbbed8-f874-4be5-9f8c-3ee809b07e52, NLA: 35977884, NKC: ola2004219945, ICCU: CUBV011011, IATH: w6mw2vcd
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Miscellaneous information
- Son of the clarinettist and composer Heinrich Baermann (1784-1847), father of the pianist and composer Carl Baermann Jr. (1839–1913), and nephew of the bassoonist and composer Carl Baermann (1782–1842).
Pages in category "Baermann, Carl/Editor"
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