(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Balbastre, Claude-Bénigne.)
Claude-Bénigne Balbastre
(8 December 1724 — 9 June 1799)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Claude Balbastre, Claude Balbâtre
Name in Other Languages: Claude Balbastre, كلود بالباستر, Клод Балбатр, קלוד בלבסטר, クロード=ベニーニュ・バルバトル, Клод Бальбатр
Aliases: Claude-Benigne Balbastre, Claude-Bénigne Balbâtre, Balbastre, Claude Balbâtre
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 7573063, LCCN: n80020483, ISNI: 0000000115916351, GND: 124264751, SUDOC: 071029680, BNF: 13891086m, BIBSYS: 5087236, MusicBrainz: 8480a69d-c982-4b2f-aad5-b30019555d72, NLA: 35731284, NKC: mzk2003205884, ICCU: MUSV073403, BNE: XX1775616, CiNii: DA06887653, IATH: w6mk6qc5
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- Balbastre's first name was actually Claude, while his father was Bénigne. The confusion was made by musicologists around 1920, and repeated endlessly since, despite any historical evidence.
Pages in category "Balbastre, Claude-Bénigne/Collections"
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