(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Belloy, Pierre-Laurent de.)
Pierre-Laurent de Belloy
(17 or 27 November 1727 — 5 March 1775)
Name in Other Languages: Pierre-Laurent Buirette de Belloy, Pierre Laurent Buirette de Belloy, Беллуа, Пьер Лоран Бюиретт де, Dormont de Belloy, Dormont De Belloy, Pierre Laurent de Belloy
Aliases: Pierre de Belloy, Buirette de Belloy, De Belloy, Беллуа Пьер-Лоран-Бюиретт, Дормон де Беллуа, Пьер Лоран Бюиретт де Беллуа, Belloy, Dormont de, Pierre-Laurent Buyrette, Pierre-Laurent Buirette, Belloy
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 68962659, LCCN: n83008327, ISNI: 0000000109120189, GND: 118666312, SELIBR: 324567, SUDOC: 029712491, BNF: 12127784h, BIBSYS: 11060244, NKC: mzk2010573656, BNE: XX5393064, CiNii: DA10263855, IATH: w6bs0661
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Pages in category "Belloy, Pierre-Laurent de/Librettist"
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