(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Billroth, Theodor.)
Theodor Billroth
(26 April 1829 — 6 February 1894)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Christian Albert Theodor Billroth
Name in Other Languages: تيودور بيلروت, Teodors Bilrots, テオドール・ビルロート, Теодор Бильрот, Теодор Більрот, Theodorus Billroth, Теодор Билрот, თეოდორ ბილროთი, تئودور بیلرت, Թեոդոր Բիլրոթ, Bilrot Teofl op, תאודור בילרות, 西奧多·比勒斯, Bilrot Teodor
Aliases: Theodore Billroth, Christian Albert Theodor Billroth, Christian Billroth, Billroth, Bilrots, Christian A. Billroth, ビルロート, Бильрот, Христиан Альберт Теодор Бильрот, Більрот, Більрот Теодор, تئودور بیلروت, ბილროთი, ქრისტიან ალბერტ თეოდორ ბილროთი, Albert Christian Theodor Billroth, Christianus Albertus Theodorus Billroth, 西奥多·比尔罗特
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 67256461, LCCN: n83135417, ISNI: 0000000109114141, GND: 118510916, SELIBR: 251098, SUDOC: 083759379, BNF: 128171767, BIBSYS: 90745117, HDS: 014286, NLA: 35697640, NDL: 00932337, NKC: jn20000700176, ICCU: MILV270910, BNE: XX1733556, CiNii: DA0297134X, IATH: w67p9p2g
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- He was a distinguished surgeon and academic, in Vienna from 1867.
- He was a good pianist and violinist, a member of Brahms' circle.
Pages in category "Billroth, Theodor/Dedicatee"
The following 4 pages are in this category, out of 4 total.