(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Botrel, Théodore.)
Théodore Botrel
(14 September 1868 — 28 July 1925)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Jean-Baptiste-Théodore-Marie Botrel
Name in Other Languages: Теодор Ботрел, テオドル・ボトレル, Theodore Botrel
Aliases: Jean-Baptiste Théodore Marie Botrel, Teodor Botrel, Jean-Baptiste-Théodore-Marie Botrel, Thaodore Botrel
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 15037041, LCCN: n88124714, ISNI: 0000000080946234, GND: 118959190, SUDOC: 026741342, BNF: 148045849, BIBSYS: 7027915, MusicBrainz: b696091e-7bfa-482c-aa63-1aca9a098e28, NLA: 35872150, NKC: mzk2009512391, CiNii: DA04932983, IATH: w6p56j7s
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Pages in category "Botrel, Théodore/Collections"
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