(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Brambilla, Marietta.)
Marietta Brambilla
(19 June 1807 — 6 November 1875)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Maria Teresa Rebecca Brambilla
Name in Other Languages: Мариэтта Брамбилла
Aliases: Brambilla, Maria Teresa Rebecca Brambilla, Брамбилла, Мариэтта, Брамбилла Мариэтта, Мариэтта (Мария Тереза Ребекка) Брамбилла
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 32265598, LCCN: no2002104866, ISNI: 0000000046175309, GND: 1089754426, BNF: 14853361w, ICCU: CFIV120089
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Pages in category "Brambilla, Marietta/Collections"
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