(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Breuning, Stephan von.)
Stephan von Breuning
(17 August 1774 — 4 June 1827)
Name in Other Languages: Stephan Breuning, 斯特凡·冯·布罗伊宁, ستيفان ڤون بريونينج, シュテファン・フォン・ブロイニング
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 28406512, LCCN: n81151181, ISNI: 0000000110485273, GND: 1019498358, SELIBR: 363628, BNF: 148471257, BIBSYS: 3035077, MusicBrainz: 9813a5ce-7ca4-44af-ab25-5fc15e7ac563, NKC: jo20191021518
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Pages in category "Breuning, Stephan von/Librettist"
The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.