(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Brown, Thomas Edward.)
Thomas Edward Brown
(5 May 1830 — 29 October 1897)
Name in Other Languages: T. E. (Thomas Edward) Brown
Aliases: T. E. Brown
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 17396996, LCCN: n90674746, ISNI: 0000000116008742, GND: 119002906, SUDOC: 160235898, BNF: 13614193w, BIBSYS: 90610555, MusicBrainz: 71ef7a28-63da-4c87-9629-ac86df857d9e, NLA: 36581745, NKC: xx0196614, IATH: w6fz0qzr
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From the Isle of Man, a Crown dependency. He was, moreover, born before 1866 when "the Isle of Man obtained limited home rule".
Pages in category "Brown, Thomas Edward/Librettist"
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