(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Campbell, George Douglas.)
George Douglas Campbell
(30 April 1823 — 24 April 1900)
Name in Other Languages: George Douglas Campbell, 8. Duke of Argyll, George Campbell, 8. książę Argyll, George Campbell, Кэмпбелл, Джордж, 8-й герцог Аргайл, George Campbell, 8th Duke of Argyll, George Campbell, 8:e hertig av Argyll, George Campbell, VIII duca di Argyll, George Campbell, 8.º Duque de Argyll, George John Douglas Campbell, 8th Duke of Argyll, George Campbell, 8. hertug av Argyll, ジョージ・キャンベル, Ջորջ Դուգլաս Քեմփբել Արգայլ, George Campbell, 8. Duke of Argyll, جورج كامبل, George John Douglas Campbell, George Campbell, 8fed Dug Argyll, ג'ורג' קמפבל, דוכס ארגייל השמיני, George Campbell, 8. vévoda z Argyllu, 第八代阿蓋爾公爵喬治·坎貝爾, جورج كامبل (اقتصادى)
Aliases: Аргайль Джордж-Джон-Дуглас-Кемпбель, Джордж, 8-й герцог Аргайл Кэмпбелл, George John Douglas Campbell, 8:e hertig av Argyll, George Douglas Campbell, 8:e hertig av Argyll, Campbell, George John Douglas, George Douglas Campbell VIII duca di Argyll, George Douglas Campbell, VIII duca di Argyll, 8th Duke of Argyll George Douglas Campbell, George Douglas Campbell, 8th Duke of Argyll, Marquess of Lorne, George Douglas Campbell, Eighth Duke of Argyll
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 74070058, LCCN: n85248033, ISNI: 0000000109161490, GND: 116340193, SUDOC: 08894588X, BNF: 14431164s, ULAN: 500436068, NLA: 35007945, NKC: vse20241245047, BNE: XX1227786, IATH: w6x069vd
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Pages in category "Campbell, George Douglas/Librettist"
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