(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Capocci, Filippo.)
Filippo Capocci
(11 May 1840 — 25 July 1911)
Name in Other Languages: Филиппо Капоччи, فيليپو كاپوكسى
Aliases: Капоччи Филиппо
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 19670492, LCCN: n91110480, ISNI: 0000000080982083, GND: 13200867X, BNF: 11051545x, MusicBrainz: 0f2e64cb-fc2a-4a9f-85d6-bab8c3ed9533, NKC: jx20090424002, ICCU: CFIV147612
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