(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Carcassi, Matteo.)
Matteo Carcassi
(1792 — 16 January 1853)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Mateo Carcassi
Name in Other Languages: Матео Каркаси, ماتیو کارکاسی, מטאו קרקסי, マッテオ・カルカッシ, Каркасси, Маттео, மாத்தேயோ கார்காசி
Aliases: Каркасси Маттео, Маттео Каркасси, Каркасси, Mateo Carcassi, Carcassi, マテオ・カルカッシ, カルカッシ, 25 Etudes op.60
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 74116223, LCCN: n81014469, ISNI: 0000000109162274, GND: 128896329, SUDOC: 244105391, BNF: 147860617, BIBSYS: 4023123, MusicBrainz: 790f4b61-8fbd-48fe-913a-fd3635742ec7, NLA: 35025780, NDL: 00435255, NKC: jn20000601127, ICCU: CFIV038855, BNE: XX1046193, IATH: w6gx5xjq
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Pages in category "Carcassi, Matteo/Collections"
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