(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Chambonnières, Jacques Champion de.)
Jacques Champion de Chambonnières
(ca.1602 — April 1672)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Jacques Champion; Chambonniere ; Chambonière
Name in Other Languages: چاك تشامپيون د تشامبونيريس, Jacques Champion de Chambonniéres, ז'אק שמפיון דה שאמבונייר, ジャック・シャンピオン・ド・シャンボニエール, Жак Шамбоньер, Jacques Champion de Chambonnieres, 雅克·尚皮翁·德·尚博尼埃
Aliases: Champion de Chambonnières, Chambonnières, シャンボニエール, ジャック・シャンピオン, Жак Шампион де Шамбоньер, Jacques Champion, Champion de Chambonnieres, Chambonnieres, Jacques Champion de, Jacques Champion Chambonnières
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 14957817, LCCN: n79075509, ISNI: 0000000121217629, GND: 102411298, SUDOC: 031170293, BNF: 13892364c, BIBSYS: 8054053, MusicBrainz: cf3a6acd-b273-461f-9db5-df5b469a265a, NLA: 35744074, NKC: xx0030940, ICCU: MUSV015476, BNE: XX1478605, CiNii: DA01760542, IATH: w6dc1hd9
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External links
- Detailed biography: Wikipedia
- External work lists:
See also
Pages in category "Chambonnières, Jacques Champion de/Collections"
The following 14 pages are in this category, out of 14 total.