(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Cilea, Francesco.)
Francesco Cilea
(23 July 1866 — 20 November 1950)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Cilèa
Name in Other Languages: فرانسيسكو سيلاى, Франческо Чилеа, פרנצ'סקו צ'ילאה, Ֆրանչեսկո Չիլեա, フランチェスコ・チレア, 프란체스코 칠레아, Franciscus Cilea, Франческо Чілеа
Aliases: Чилеа, Франческо, F・チレア, Francesco Cilèa
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 5117163, LCCN: n80125361, ISNI: 0000000080847025, GND: 122783239, SELIBR: 206364, SUDOC: 035766794, BNF: 13892515q, BIBSYS: 1101784, MusicBrainz: 29ae32d0-7918-4484-b690-874b1c5994d4, NLA: 35327252, NDL: 00988688, NKC: ola2002153126, ICCU: CUBV042903, BNE: XX888580, CiNii: DA04487993, IATH: w6fj2v82
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Pages in category "Cilea, Francesco/Editor"
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