(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Couperin, Armand-Louis.)
Armand-Louis Couperin
(25 February 1727 — 2 February 1789)
Name in Other Languages: ارماند لويس كوپيرين, Armand Couperin, ארמן-לואי קופרן, アルマン=ルイ・クープラン
Aliases: Armand Louis Couperin
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 66651363, LCCN: n87804424, ISNI: 0000000081465301, GND: 134672097, SUDOC: 092682588, BNF: 13892792q, BIBSYS: 11000289, MusicBrainz: 6d182565-69cb-4e5e-bc22-798c52b1c570, NKC: xx0034475, ICCU: CFIV078382, BNE: XX1777926, IATH: w6vq534r
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