(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Cozzolani, Chiara Margarita.)
Chiara Margarita Cozzolani
(27 November 1602 — 20 April 1678)
Name in Other Languages: كيارا مارجريتا كوزولانى, קיארה מרגריטה קוצולאני
Aliases: Cozzolani, Chiara Margherita Cozzolani
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 268881763, LCCN: n98031718, ISNI: 000000011025036X, GND: 124118755, SELIBR: 212576, BNF: 14806827s, BIBSYS: 98055909, MusicBrainz: 0da5382f-b830-4a2a-aa0f-9639ff347f17, NKC: jn20040106004, BNE: XX1779816
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Pages in category "Cozzolani, Chiara Margarita/Collections"
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