(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Cramer, Carl Friedrich.)
Carl Friedrich Cramer
(7 March 1752 — 8 December 1807)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Karl Friedrich Cramer, Charles-Frédéric Cramer
Name in Other Languages: Карл Фридрих Крамер, Tellow
Aliases: Karl Friedrich Cramer, Крамер Карл Фридрих, C.F. Cramer, Karl Frederik Cramer, C. F. Cramer
Authorities - WorldCat, VIAF: 44352537, LCCN: no98029038, ISNI: 0000000110597806, GND: 100178405, SELIBR: 233509, SUDOC: 031112161, BNF: 12239087g, BIBSYS: 1090113, MusicBrainz: 47d66839-4b9a-40a9-b7f7-40f96bd257c8, NLA: 35918655, NKC: ola2008459718, ICCU: MUSV018869, BNE: XX5772889
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Pages in category "Cramer, Carl Friedrich/Librettist"
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