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Arcangelo Crivelli
(21 April 1546 — 4 March 1617)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Arcangelo Crivello, Arcangelo Cribelli
Name in Other Languages: Archangelus Cribellius
Aliases: Arcangelo Crivello, Arcangelo Bergamasco, Arcangelo Cribelli, Arcangelo da Bergamo
Authorities - WorldCat, VIAF: 36849173, LCCN: nr2001043756, ISNI: 0000000116209747, GND: 1208651587, BNF: 16198074h, MusicBrainz: 7a707316-5f90-4b13-bc89-420e8c74bef5, ICCU: VIAV103515, BNE: XX1637292
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- Detailed biography: None given
See also
Pages in category "Crivelli, Arcangelo/Collections"
The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.