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Yu Daikoku
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Yu Daikoku
Instrument: piano
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- Detailed biography: None given
Miscellaneous information
The piece "Sonatina" (No.4, 1st movement) written by Clementi was recorded at Komaba Eminence Hall, Tokyo in 1988 when the player was thirteen years old. He was taught piano by a Japanese composer, Toshijiro Oka who was also a piano teacher and a researcher in the field of musical rhythm. The piano used for the performance was Steinway & Sons. The piece “Passacaglia” was also recorded at Komaba Eminece Hall, Tokyo in ca. 1986 when the player was the fifth or sixth grade in elementary school. The score of the performed version is not the original complete one written by Witt; it is the short version for children, so it is omitted some middle parts of the original piece. However I believe it conveys the essence of the original piece in some way, and I guess many children learning piano even who is not highly skillful can play it and will love to play it.
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