(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Dietrich, Albert Hermann.)
Albert Hermann Dietrich
(28 August 1829 — 20 November 1908)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Albert Dietrich
Name in Other Languages: Albert Dietrich, アルベルト・ディートリヒ, آلبرت دیتریش, Альберт Дитрих, ألبرت ديتريش, البرت ديتريش, 阿尔伯特·迪特里希, 阿爾伯特·迪特里希
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 56795860, LCCN: n82012132, ISNI: 0000000109752290, GND: 116112425, BNF: 13893276b, BIBSYS: 4086637, MusicBrainz: 66c7930d-9738-48c9-9a29-b04523f3b9e3, NDL: 00944054, NKC: xx0069496, ICCU: PUVV303268, CiNii: DA10890163, IATH: w68w3r3v
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Pages in category "Dietrich, Albert Hermann/Dedicatee"
The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.