(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Dorus, Louis.)
Louis Dorus
(1 March 1813 — 9 June 1896)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Vincent Joseph Van Steenkiste
Name in Other Languages: لويس دوروس, Луи Дорюс
Aliases: Vincent Joseph van Steenkiste, Dorus, Дорюс, Луи, Дорю, Дорю Л., Дорю, Луи, Дорю Луи, Луи Дорю
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 80354448, LCCN: no93010918, ISNI: 0000000116792418, GND: 135920558, SUDOC: 115121730, BNF: 14799329h, MusicBrainz: 1c6a3d71-913d-40c2-a93b-5fea342b1d42, BNE: XX1713984
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Pages in category "Dorus, Louis/Arranger"
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