(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Duport, Jean-Louis.)
:For other composers named Duport, see Duport (disambiguation).
Jean-Louis Duport
(4 October 1749 — 7 September 1819)
Name in Other Languages: چين لويس دوپورت, Jean Louis Duport, Jean Duport, Ժան-Լուի Դյուպոր, ジャン=ルイ・デュポール, Жан Луи Дюпор
Aliases: Дюпор Жан Луи, J. L. Duport
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 64270936, LCCN: n86002055, ISNI: 0000000081440032, GND: 100465692, SUDOC: 166668702, BNF: 14785501h, BIBSYS: 6020780, MusicBrainz: 1adfa8ed-b12d-478f-a0ac-0afb2e610cbf, NLA: 35992461, NKC: xx0012524, ICCU: CFIV150024, BNE: XX1785601, CiNii: DA11718214, IATH: w6dr33k4
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Pages in category "Duport, Jean-Louis/Dedicatee"
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