(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Duprez, Gilbert-Louis.)
Gilbert-Louis Duprez
(6 December 1806 — 23 September 1896)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Gilbert Duprez
Name in Other Languages: جيلبيرت دوپريز, Gilbert Duprez, ジルベール・デュプレ, Жильбер Дюпре, Жільбер Дюпре, G.-L. 迪普雷
Aliases: Дюпре Жильбер, Дюпре, Жильбер Луи, Gilbert Louis Duprez, デュプレ, ジルベール-ルイ, ジルベール=ルイ・デュプレ
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 22409106, LCCN: nr93027202, ISNI: 0000000081016493, GND: 118957260, SUDOC: 029667976, BNF: 148510022, MusicBrainz: c4c80c95-f22c-4b60-b8de-2e8ed266e0bf, NLA: 35553333, NKC: mzk2013776957, Léonore: LH//860/61, BNE: XX1255484, CiNii: DA15791147, IATH: w6377mc6
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Pages in category "Duprez, Gilbert-Louis/Arranger"
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