(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Duvernoy, Jean-Baptiste.)
Jean-Baptiste Duvernoy
(11 May 1801 — 16 March 1880)
Name in Other Languages: Жан-Батист Дюверноа, چيان باپتيست دوڤيرنوى, Jean Duvernoy
Aliases: Jean Baptiste Duvernoy
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 100234650, LCCN: n81084153, ISNI: 0000000114960350, GND: 116259035, SUDOC: 252975545, BNF: 14807729f, BIBSYS: 6013379, MusicBrainz: 4e382ed9-882a-4ab7-99ff-fb6fd6493434, NLA: 36172851, NKC: ola2009488259, BNE: XX1089601
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Pages in category "Duvernoy, Jean-Baptiste/Collections"
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