(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Eccard, Johannes.)
Johannes Eccard
(1553 — 1611)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Johann Eccard
Name in Other Languages: چوهانس اكارد, Johann Eccard, יוהנס אקארד, Иоганн Эккард
Aliases: Eccard, Эккард Иоганн, Эккард, Иоганн, Иоханнес Эккард
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 76499950, LCCN: n81112081, ISNI: 0000000081569493, GND: 118528688, SUDOC: 077340515, BNF: 13893577h, BIBSYS: 1097249, MusicBrainz: 37590889-2ce9-445d-a6c9-68b8fa3255af, NKC: ola2002153136, ICCU: DDSV207715, BNE: XX1202903, IATH: w6dn49vj
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