(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Evans, William.)
Original works by this person are generally still subject to copyright. Submissions of copyrighted works are allowed only with the permission of the copyright holder. In the US, all works published in 1929 and earlier in the public domain; works first published afterwards may be protected by copyright (with some exceptions). See public domain and the licensing policy for more information.
William Evans
(b. 1977)
External links
- Detailed biography: None given
BA (Music and Performance Studies) University of Sydney. Studied composition with Anne Boyd, Peter Sculthorpe, Ross Edwards and Elliott Gyger.
Chorister at St Peters Eastern Hill (Anglican/Episcopalian) and with Gloriana Chamber Choir in Melbourne, Australia.
The Mass editions I have contributed are mainly for practical use in our choir. The Credo movements of the Mass are omitted as these are sung congregationally at St Peters. We are a small group with a quorum of SATB but perform works for double choir when enough singers are available. We only have one and a half hours to rehearse once a week so while respecting my scholarly sources, I have made my editions as quick and easy to read as possible with modern notation and rhythms. I have included all musica ficta to avoid boring squabbles during choir practice. I hope you enjoy performing them as much as I do.
Pages in category "Evans, William/Editor"
The following 30 pages are in this category, out of 30 total.
- Mass in E minor, R.511/2 (Scarlatti, Alessandro)
- Messa à quattro in canone, R.514/8 (Scarlatti, Alessandro)
- Messa concertata a 4 voci (Rovetta, Giovanni)
- Messa sexti toni (Croce, Giovanni)
- Messa tertii toni (Croce, Giovanni)
- Messa, e Salmi da concertarsi nel'Organo (Usper, Francesco)
- Missa 'Il dolce, e bianco Cigno' (Graziani, Bonifazio)
- Missa 'In Exitu Israel de Egipto' (Pontac, Diego de)
- Missa 'La luna piena', TriCo 2 (Corsi da Celano, Giuseppe)
- Missa Brevis à 4 (Graziani, Bonifazio)
- Missa Clementina II (Scarlatti, Alessandro)
- Missa Clementina, R.511/1 (Scarlatti, Alessandro)
- Missa Concertata (Lappi, Pietro)
- Missa Così estrema la doglia (Spontone, Bartolomeo)
| M cont.
- Missa Da Pacem Domine (Ingegneri, Marc Antonio)
- Missa Dominicalis (Banchieri, Adriano)
- Missa Dominicalis (Rodio, Rocco)
- Missa Hor le tue forze adopra (Anerio, Felice)
- Missa In Te Domine Speravi (Anerio, Giovanni Francesco)
- Missa Laudate pueri Dominum (Ingegneri, Marc Antonio)
- Missa octavi toni (Croce, Giovanni)
- Missa Sanctæ Catherinæ (Spontone, Bartolomeo)
- Missa sine nomine (Spontone, Bartolomeo)
- Missa supra Kyrie Primi Toni (Ingegneri, Marc Antonio)
- Missa supra Kyrie Secundi Toni (Ingegneri, Marc Antonio)
- Missa supra Salve Regina (Ingegneri, Marc Antonio)
- Missa Voce mea (Ingegneri, Marc Antonio)
- Missae tres octonis vocibus, liber primus (Asola, Giammateo)
- Missae (Straus, Christoph)