(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Ferrer, José.)
José Ferrer
(13 March 1835 — 7 March 1916)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Joseph Ferrer, José Ferrer y Esteve, Josep Ferrer i Esteve ; José Ferrer Esteve de Fujadas
Name in Other Languages: José Ferrer Esteve de Fujadas, Josep Ferrer i Esteve, خوسيه فيرير, خوسيه فيرير (ملحن)
Aliases: Josep Ferrer i Esteve de Pujadas, Joseph Ferrer, Jose Ferrer Esteve de Fujadas, Jose Ferrer
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 50688686, LCCN: n85370479, ISNI: 0000000116403021, GND: 134611403, SUDOC: 261833952, MusicBrainz: b28bf60a-44a5-45b7-b6a5-61bcf77053e9, ICCU: TO0V470632, BNE: XX867514
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Pages in category "Ferrer, José/Collections"
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