(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Flecha, Mateo.)
Mateo Flecha
(1481 — 1553)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Mateu Fletxa (Catalan), Mateo Flecha el Viejo, Mateo Flecha the elder
Name in Other Languages: Matthaeus Flecha, Mateu Fletxa el Vell, Mateo Flecha la malnova, Mateo Flecha el Viejo, Mateo Flecha vanhempi, Mateo Flecha l'ancien, Mateo Flecha il Vecchio, Mateu Fletxa, Матео Флеча Старший, ماتيو فليتشا, Mateo Flecha starší
Aliases: Mateo Flecha the Elder, Mateo Flecha der Ältere, Matheus Flexa, Mateo Flecha El Viejo
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 19865215, LCCN: n88679802, ISNI: 0000000108770008, GND: 102427739, SELIBR: 211008, SUDOC: 087886936, BNF: 138939706, MusicBrainz: 003e7edf-b6e0-4c0c-bd32-c5b4d177793e, NKC: pna2006338116, BNE: XX1151705
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