(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Ganne, Louis.)
Louis Ganne
(5 April 1862 — 14 July 1923)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Gustave Louis Ganne, Louis Gaston Ganne
Name in Other Languages: لويس جان, Louis-Gaston Ganne, ルイ・ガンヌ, Ludovicus Ganne, Луи Ганн, Луї Ґанн
Aliases: Gustave Louis Ganne, L.(Louis) Ganne, Louis Gaston Ganne
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 29717968, LCCN: n83017379, ISNI: 0000000081089748, GND: 138238650, SELIBR: 281005, SUDOC: 083204873, BNF: 13894279m, BIBSYS: 5015237, MusicBrainz: 471d184e-91e2-4ae6-9214-393efcd73114, NDL: 00513371, NKC: pna2005307356, Léonore: LH//1068/41, ICCU: DDSV007181, BNE: XX1651523, CiNii: DA10995037, IATH: w6hd86dh
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Pages in category "Ganne, Louis/Dedicatee"
The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total.