(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Grädener, Carl Georg Peter.)
Carl Georg Peter Grädener
(14 January 1812 — 10 June 1883)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Graedener; Karl Georg Peter Grädener; Karl Graedener; C.G.P. Grädener; K.G.P. Grädener
Name in Other Languages: كارل جرادينير, Carl Grädener, Karl Graedener, カール・グレーデナー, Карл Греденер, Carl Gradener
Aliases: Carl Graedener, Греденер Карл, Carl Georg Peter Graedener, Karl Grädener, Carl G. P. Grädener
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 42598493, LCCN: nb2006025629, ISNI: 0000000053188394, GND: 116808446, SUDOC: 164769633, MusicBrainz: f02082b4-3da2-42dd-a33f-cb3ad9123eee, NKC: mzk2011661824, IATH: w6wh3jcr
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