(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Grünfeld, Heinrich.)
Heinrich Grünfeld
(21 April 1855 — 26 August 1931)
Name in Other Languages: هينريخ جرونفيلد, Eric Grünfeld, היינריך גרינפלד, Генрих Грюнфельд
Aliases: Грюнфельд Генрих
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 10608810, LCCN: no2013006960, ISNI: 0000000061577461, GND: 116888733, BNF: 140321510, MusicBrainz: 67fe80f4-4983-473a-b5a4-749c71da5e8f, NKC: mzk2014801918, IATH: w6nv9vx6
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Pages in category "Grünfeld, Heinrich/Dedicatee"
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