(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Gradenthaler, Hieronymus.)
Hieronymus Gradenthaler
(27 September 1637 — 19 July 1700)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Gradenthaller, Kradenthaler, Kradenthaller
Name in Other Languages: Hieronymus Kradenthaller
Aliases: Hieronymus Kradenthaler, Hieronymus Krodenthaler, Hieronymus Krotenthaler, Hieronymus Krotentaler, Hieronymus Gradenthaller, Hieronymus Gnadentaler
Authorities - WorldCat, VIAF: 47824370, LCCN: n99001110, ISNI: 0000000055443774, GND: 128833157, BNF: 16375981g, BIBSYS: 15040979, ICCU: UTOV557709
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Pages in category "Gradenthaler, Hieronymus/Collections"
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