(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Greef, Arthur de.)
Arthur de Greef
(10 October 1862 — 29 August 1940)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Arthur De Greef
Name in Other Languages: Arthur De Greef, アルテュール・デ・グレーフ, 阿图尔·德·赫雷夫, Де Греф, Артур, Артур де Грееф, ارثر د جريف
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 196291, LCCN: n78009346, ISNI: 0000000120195333, GND: 121058751, BNF: 12382717r, BIBSYS: 90785120, MusicBrainz: 54eadf4e-76cb-488d-b94b-da3051aef1db, NLA: 35321447, NKC: mzk2011640321, BNE: XX1705868, CiNii: DA12924798, IATH: w6k14rhs
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Pages in category "Greef, Arthur de/Dedicatee"
The following 5 pages are in this category, out of 5 total.