(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Hübner, Johann.)
Johann Hübner
(17 March 1668 — 21 May 1731)
Name in Other Languages: يوهان هوبنر, Johannes Hübnerus, ヨハン・ヒュブネル, Гюбнер, Иоганн, Johann Hubner, Гюбнер Йоганн
Aliases: Иоганн Гюбнер, ヨハン・ヒューブナー, Johann Hubener, Jan Hybner, Jean Hubner, J. H., Jan Huebner, Johannes Hubnerus, Johann Hübnerus, Johann Huebner
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 5009362, LCCN: n82052355, ISNI: 0000000108648707, GND: 118707701, SELIBR: 267647, SUDOC: 032685548, BNF: 123667535, BIBSYS: 90116834, NKC: mzk2003199434, ICCU: BVEV084423, KulturNav: 84ffe40c-9201-415e-a08c-73c37fa780ef
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