(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Hartleben, Otto Erich.)
Otto Erich Hartleben
(3 June 1864 — 11 February 1905)
Name in Other Languages: أوتو إريش هارتليبن, اوتو اريش هارتليبن, অটো এরিখ হার্টলেবেন, Henrik Ipse, אוטו אריך הרטלבן, オットー・エーリヒ・ハルトレーベン, Отто Эрих Хартлебен
Aliases: Erich Otto Hartleben, Otto Erich
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 44566392, LCCN: n87134015, ISNI: 0000000108936725, GND: 118546198, SUDOC: 056779941, BNF: 14808092h, BIBSYS: 56700, MusicBrainz: cb7755ad-a5bf-4379-beb8-bc3f5b9c8ea2, NLA: 49785950, NKC: jn20031021006, ICCU: DDSV274973, BNE: XX1301548, CiNii: DA09722117, IATH: w6tq6d50
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Pages in category "Hartleben, Otto Erich/Librettist"
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