(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Hartmann, Moritz.)
Moritz Hartmann
(15 October 1821 — 13 May 1872)
Name in Other Languages: Мориц Гартман, Մորից Հարթման, موريتز هارتمان, موريتز هارتمان (صحفى), Moritz Hartmann (Publizist), מוריץ הרטמן
Aliases: Гартман, Мориц, Mořic Hartmann
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 102343304, LCCN: n85348438, ISNI: 0000000108158521, GND: 118773348, SUDOC: 03027298X, BNF: 12769985r, MusicBrainz: 12fdb52e-2ec2-414e-b90d-26c775025fe0, NKC: xx0002981, ICCU: DDSV095703, BNE: XX1546890, CiNii: DA04260830, IATH: w6gt60jw
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Pages in category "Hartmann, Moritz/Librettist"
The following 13 pages are in this category, out of 13 total.