(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Hauptmann, Carl.)
Carl Hauptmann
(11 May 1858 — 4 February 1921)
Name in Other Languages: 卡爾·霍普特曼, 卡尔·霍普特曼, カール・ハウプトマン, Karl Hauptmann, Карл Гауптман
Aliases: Ferdinand Klar, Hauptmann, Carl Ferdinand Max Hauptmann
Authorities - WorldCat, VIAF: 29662650, LCCN: n82114005, ISNI: 000000036857701X, GND: 118546910, SUDOC: 056780753, BNF: 129250478, BIBSYS: 90953281, MusicBrainz: 036ed000-0d3b-4044-b7d2-f93c2a995cd2, NKC: kup19980000036598, CiNii: DA01137689
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Pages in category "Hauptmann, Carl/Librettist"
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