(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Homilius, Gottfried August.)
Gottfried August Homilius
(2 February 1714 — 2 June 1785)
Name in Other Languages: جوتفريد اوجوسانت هوميليوس, ゴットフリート・アウグスト・ホミリウス, Готфрид Август Хомилиус, 고트프리트 아우구스트 호밀리우스
Aliases: Homilius, Homilius, Gottfried August, Хомилиус Готфрид Август
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 64191992, LCCN: n81092024, ISNI: 0000000081438063, GND: 118553356, SUDOC: 133015637, BNF: 13895305k, BIBSYS: 1035403, MusicBrainz: faeb51c0-04e0-4d54-b8cd-5f7fc3e604c3, NKC: jx20081209006, ICCU: MUSV074904, BNE: XX1760267, CiNii: DA10920162, IATH: w6m61r4r
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Miscellaneous information
Uwe Wolf. Gottfried August Homilius. Thematisches Verzeichnis der musikalischen Werke (HoWV), Stuttgart : Carus-Verlag (2014).
Pages in category "Homilius, Gottfried August/Collections"
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