(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Honegger, Arthur.)
Works by this person are generally in the public domain in Canada. Works by this person are not in the public domain in countries with a life+70 copyright term (including all EU countries), unless an exception applies. In the United States, all works first published before 1930 are in the public domain; works first published afterwards may be protected by copyright. See public domain for more information.
Works by this person may not be in the public domain in all countries. Please check the copyright laws of your country.
Arthur Honegger
(10 March 1892 — 27 November 1955)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Oscar-Arthur Honegger
Name in Other Languages: آرثر هونيغر, آرثر هونيجر, Artur Oneqqer, Арцюр Анегер, Артур Онегер, Αρτύρ Ονεγκέρ, آرتور هونگر, ארתור הונגר, Արթուր Հոնեգեր, アルテュール・オネゲル, 아르튀르 오네게르, Arthurus Honegger, Artūrs Onegērs, Артур Хонегер, Артюр Онеггер, Артур Онеґґер, 阿蒂尔·奥涅格, 阿圖爾·奧乃格
Aliases: Arthur Honneger, ارتور هونگر, アルトゥール・オネゲル, オネゲル, アルチュール・オネゲル, 아르투르 오네게르, 오네게르, Honegger, Artūras Honegeris, Onegērs, Онеггер, Артур, Артур Онеггер, Онеггер, Онеггер Артюр, Онеггер, Артюр, Хонегер, Артур, Оскар-Артюр Онеггер, Arthur Oscar Honegger, Артур Онеґер, Онеґґер Артур, 霍尼格, 奥涅格, 奧乃格, Oscar-Arthur Honegger, Arthur honnegger, 00014352715 IPI
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 51699915, LCCN: n79108038, ISNI: 0000000121326892, GND: 118706888, SELIBR: 286313, SUDOC: 027526615, BNF: 12007137r, BIBSYS: 90075025, HDS: 009493, MusicBrainz: 7bcfc64a-ce4a-4065-947c-d037bca1e230, NLA: 36554837, NDL: 00443703, NKC: jn19990003640, Léonore: 19800035/166/21397, ICCU: LO1V047995, BNE: XX884566, CiNii: DA05144733, TLS: Arthur_Honegger, IATH: w6pg1zj0
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- "H" numbers for works are cited from: Harry Halbreich, L'Oeuvre d'Arthur Honegger : Chronologie, catalogue raisonné, analyses, discographie (Fayard, 1994).
Pages in category "Honegger, Arthur/Dedicatee"
The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total.