(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Isawa, Shūji.)
Shūji Isawa
(27 July 1851 — 3 May 1917)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: 伊沢 修二, 伊澤 修二, Isawa Shuji, Izawa Shuji, Izawa Shuuji, Izawa Syuzi, 楽石, Rakuseki
Name in Other Languages: Isawa Shūji, 伊澤修二, 伊沢修二, Shūji Izawa, Сюдзи Исава, ایساوا شوجی
Aliases: 伊沢楽石, 伊澤楽石, Исава, Сюдзи, Isawa Shuji, Shuji Isawa, Izawa Shūji, Izawa Shuji, Shuji Izawa
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 43304129, LCCN: n85371024, ISNI: 0000000084472929, GND: 172664667, SUDOC: 245023577, NDL: 00024296, CiNii: DA01473813
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- Born on 29 June, Kaei 4 by the Tenpō calendar.
Pages in category "Isawa, Shūji/Collections"
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