(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Johnson, J. Rosamond.)
J. Rosamond Johnson
(11 August 1873 — 11 November 1954)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: John Rosamond Johnson
Name in Other Languages: جون جونسون, جون جونسون (ملحن), جی. رزامون جانسون
Aliases: John Rosamond Johnson, John Johnson, Rosamund Johnson, Rosamond Johnson
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 27151848, LCCN: n85282731, ISNI: 0000000110231337, GND: 122754980, SUDOC: 132171236, BNF: 12405666x, BIBSYS: 1492758309147, ULAN: 500273419, MusicBrainz: b735572e-2823-41c6-92bd-f8de3d67ebac, NLA: 49117041, ICCU: CUBV085374, BNE: XX1536117, CiNii: DA08838411, IATH: w6h70grj
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Pages in category "Johnson, J. Rosamond/Arranger"
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