(The following text was automatically transcluded from Category:Jones, Edward.)
Edward Jones
(29 March 1752 — 18 April 1824)
Alternative Names/Transliterations: Bardd y Brenin, The King’s Bard
Name in Other Languages: ادوارد جونز, إدوارد جونز, Эдвард Джонс, A. Edward Jones, ادوارد جونز (ملحن), এডওয়ার্ড জোন্স
Aliases: (Bardd y Brenin), Bardd y Brenin
Authorities - WorldCat, Wikipedia, VIAF: 51883516, LCCN: n88140528, ISNI: 000000008382315X, GND: 12957385X, SELIBR: 289549, SUDOC: 122098439, BNF: 139785497, MusicBrainz: 99acc151-619d-4c6a-83e9-eb5455b191c7, NLA: 49785870, ICCU: MUSV075182, BNE: XX1671926, IATH: w65t3rpv
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